Chillin’ in Calistoga – The Best Places to Clear Your Head in Northern Napa Valley

  • Spas
  • 2017年7月5日
  • 4392
  • 0
While a tub filled with bubbles and a big glass of wine might be the first thing that relaxation brings to mind, Calistoga offers visitors plenty of other ways to clear their heads and soothe their soul. 看看我们最喜欢的一些放松的地方, kick back, 给你的生活带来一些平衡.

755 Silverado Trail N
(707) 266-7534
TripAdvisor: 4.5 stars; 908 reviews

There’s no place quite like Solage to experience the ultimate in relaxation. 它们美丽的土地, 广泛的池, and excellent spa treatment menu offer guests a wide variety of options to find solace.

北ag体育正规也因其低光污染而闻名, 也就是说,晚上的星空是非常壮观的. 如果这符合你的喜好,可以在下班后在水疗中心预订一个晚上的会议. 他们的星光 澡堂 treatment allows guests to soak, steam, and relax under the stars in sweet solitude. Paired with their guided floating meditation, say goodbye to your cares as they ebb away.

Insider Tip: 作为WineCountry的主要合作伙伴.com和, Solage is able to offer guests exclusive rewards through our special online offers. Add a complimentary bottle of Solage’s private wine and a 3-tier array of assorted pastries, cheeses, 水果和工匠咬你即将到来的住宿.

Click here 选择入住日期,客人数量和所需房间数量. 不需要额外的报价代码. 如果您喜欢通过电话预订的话, dial them at (707)226-0800 and ask to apply the WineCountry Offer (WCCOM).

(707) 942-4913
TripAdvisor: 4.5 stars; 103 reviews

If wine tasting has tuckered you out, relax and rejuvenate at the spa at 印度的弹簧. 他们的佛池是一片郁郁葱葱的绿洲. The enclosed, 私人区域设有间歇泉式池塘, palm trees, gardens, 室外壁炉休息室,创造了一个安静的冥想空间. Choose to lounge in the sun or shade, by the pond or next to the fireplace. Sip cucumber-citrus water as dragonflies skim the reflecting pool and sneak in a nap as the eight-foot, 手工雕刻的花岗岩佛像守护着庭院.

Insider Tip: 作为WineCountry的主要合作伙伴.com和, 印度的弹簧 is able to offer guests exclusive rewards through our special online offers. 这些独家福利包括:

●VIP Access to their venerable Spa Facility (contact in advance for reservations)

Click here 选择入住日期,客人数量和所需房间数量. 不需要额外的报价代码. 如果您喜欢通过电话预订的话, dial them at (707)942-4913 and mention

Calistoga Fit
(707) 341-0388

内啡肽能让你立刻感觉好起来, 但是让他们抽水的唯一方法就是做一些运动. Get your blood moving with a class from Calistoga Fit led by one of Calistoga’s top fitness instructions, 多诺万杏仁. Registered guests of the 卡利斯托加温泉 are invited to book any of his high-energy fitness classes including, yoga, boot camp, pilates, and TRX, among others

Insider Tip: 如果你住在 卡利斯托加温泉, 我们强烈推荐, check with their concierge as they often offer discounted and specialty Calistoga Fit class deals for hotel guests.

(707) 942-6269
TripAdvisor: 4 stars; 470 reviews

This charming property is one of the few places that offers a traditional mud bathing experience. 拥有56间翻新客房, 全套服务的水疗中心, 泥浴和矿泉池, it’s no surprise that the 卡利斯托加温泉 has been an institution in the valley for decades. Spa guests receive complimentary use of the naturally-heated mineral pools with 24-hour advance booking of a massage treatment or mud bath. Ironically, we’ve found a little dirt is the best way to clean away all those worries.

Insider Tip: 为了真正的享受, experience a combination massage and bath treatment they call “The Works,“持续两个多小时的真正的放纵.

TripAdvisor: 4.5 stars; 21 reviews

If the idea of sitting like a quietly meditating lotus is a little too intimidating, 试试步行冥想吧! 在这次轻松的徒步旅行中让你的头脑清醒, taking in scenic views of the mountains and surrounding vineyards as you make your way down the path. 完成徒步旅行,你就能饱览山谷的美景. 虽然小路被遮蔽了, 夏天的时候会很暖和, 所以记得带水——不仅仅是酒——保持体内水分.

Insider Tip: Arrive early as there are a limited number of parking spots by the trailhead. 在附近的路上可以找到额外的停车位.

(707) 942-5127
TripAdvisor: 4.5 stars; 27 reviews

坐落在山顶山脊线上的是Mayacamas牧场. 360度的山谷景色让客人惊叹不已, natural setting that is perfect for a variety of group gatherings and workshops. They also host ongoing yoga retreats, meditation groups, and sacred unions. This unique environment is an ideal place to renew, reflect, and connect.

Insider Tip: 如果你对按摩感兴趣,让Mayacamas知道. 他们可以安排一位按摩师到你那里. 虽然没有专门的健身中心, get your miles in hiking the on-property trail or a run through the surrounding neighborhoods to get your blood pumping.

(707) 942-6463
TripAdvisor: 3 stars; 741 reviews

Ground yourself by taking in one of the Valley’s oldest natural wonders at the 老忠实间歇泉. Its regular eruptions have delighted visitors and has earned it a place on the list of most photographed sites in California. Fun fact — they geyser has also proven itself to be a handy predictor for earthquakes. If the regular eruptions are delayed, an earthquake is likely on the horizon in the next few weeks. Grab some snacks, your camera, and watch the rainbows bloom on sunny days.

Insider Tip: Stop by 坦伯贝葡萄园 去隔壁买瓶啤酒,在间歇泉边野餐.

(707) 341-3551
TripAdvisor: 5 stars; 18 reviews

因为他们的主要酿酒厂离卡利斯托加有点远, it is a real treat that Heibel now has a tasting room in the middle of downtown. Their focus is on quality over quantity and seek to offer guests a family-style tasting. Their down-to-earth philosophy and passion for wine shines through in all aspects of their craft.

Insider Tip: 火车爱好者欢欣鼓舞, this rustic tasting room is the only one in Napa Valley that’s housed completely in a renovated railcar.

Olabisi Wines
(707) 942-4472

Olabisi is the unique venture of husband and wife team, Ted and Kim Osborne. 他们以产量有限为荣, 来自独一无二的葡萄园的手工酿造的葡萄酒. 少于1的微小产量,每年000例, they’re able to pay attention to each of the wines as individual expressions of the truly incredible vineyards from which they source. Make sure you call for a reservation before heading over and experience their art of turning beautiful fruit into beautiful wine.

Insider Tip: 一定要在现场挑选你喜欢的葡萄酒, 因为他们的小产量不允许销售.

BIO: 妮可·麦克劳克林是一位来自加州的美食和生活方式作家. 当她不在厨房测试她最新的食谱时, you can find her out exploring the wonders of fermentation in San Diego’s vibrant craft beer scene.



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